当你购买车辆时, 你想以合理的价格买一辆好车, 但你也想获得一个较低的汽车贷款利率. 

Your interest rate can significantly impact how much you pay over the life of your loan. That's why it's essential to know exactly what an auto loan interest rate is, 它是如何确定的, 以及它如何影响你的汽车贷款金额. 


Your interest rate is how much you pay annually to borrow money from your lender. Your annual percentage rate (APR) is how much you pay annually, including interest and fees. You will usually see auto loan interest rates referred to as the APR, which includes all fees. 你的年利率越高,你支付给贷款人的钱就越多. 以下是一些关于汽车贷款利率的重要事实. 


您的费率可能会因各种因素而有所不同, 包括你的信用评分, 贷款期限, 车辆的年龄, 和更多的. 全国二手车贷款的平均利率是5.750+信用评分23%. 然而,你可以找到0%到25%或更高的年利率.   


汽车贷款利率每天都在变化, so it's a good practice to check interest rates before you go shopping. When comparing APR, be sure you're comparing APR to APR instead of APR to interest. 记住,年利率包括费用,而利息不包括.


Car loans are amortized, meaning the interest is front-loaded at the beginning of the loan. 与摊销, 每月还款额的一部分用于偿还本金, 剩余部分用于支付所欠利息. 在你贷款开始的时候, 更多的付款将用于支付利息, 随着时间的推移, 更多的款项将用于偿还本金. 

简单利息vs. 预先计算的利息

Your auto loan interest rate can be computed in two ways - simple interest and precomputed interest. 

Simple interest means the interest is based on how much you owe when your car loan payment is due. Any amount you pay over the amount due will go towards the principal balance. 


各种因素影响你的汽车贷款利率. 以下是其中的五个. 

1. 汽车类型

You'll find that in general, the interest rate on a used car is higher than that of a new car. Used vehicles tend to come with higher rates because the lender is taking more of a risk by lending money for a vehicle that is likely to be less reliable. Some lenders even have limits on the age of a vehicle they will finance. 

二手车也可以有较低的转售价值. 贷款人认为这是因为如果你拖欠贷款, 他们可能需要卖掉你的车, 他们希望尽可能多地弥补损失. 

2. 汽车贷款机构

The lender you select can also significantly affect the interest rate you get. 

Generally, you will qualify for a lower interest rate at a credit union. Credit unions also offer more flexible payment schedules and have lower loan minimums, 这样你就可以买一辆便宜的车了.

Banks are typically more particular regarding who they approve for 汽车贷款 and the type of vehicle they will finance.

经销商是汽车贷款融资的另一个流行选择. They often offer special financing options for new vehicles if you have excellent credit. 

3. 信用评分

Your credit history and credit score will also greatly impact the car loan interest rate you receive. 

你的信用评分越高, the lower the interest rate you'll get because your history gives the lender confidence that you'll fulfill your end of the agreement. 反之亦然. 

4. 任期长度

Lenders consider the length of the loan when determining your auto loan interest rate. 

期限从24个月到72个月不等, 你的任期就越短, 你的平均利率就越低. 这是因为你的汽车贷款越长, the more likelihood there is that you will default on your loan due to a change in financial circumstances. When the lender charges more for interest, they get more of their money back upfront. 


One of the best ways to demonstrate how your interest rate impacts your car loan is with an example showing how much you pay on a loan based solely on the interest rate changing. 

In this example, you purchase a $35,000 vehicle on a six-year term with a $3,500 down payment. 



融资总额:36 200美元.70












As you can see, the interest rate you get can make the difference between paying $4,700.70美元的利息和22,326美元.利息支付74. 这就是它能产生的影响, 为什么要知道利率, 是什么决定了它, 它如何影响你的汽车贷款是至关重要的. 


既然你对汽车贷款利率了解得更多了, we hope this information makes it easier as you move forward in purchasing your next vehicle. 你的知识越丰富, 更好的, 这样你就可以为你的购买获得最好的融资条件. 

