免费的钱 来支付你的大学费用,这就是我 大学奖学金 适合你吗?!

Soaring college costs make scholarships an essential part of the planning process, and by now you’ve probably been encouraged by high school counselors to start applying for them. 但它们确实需要时间,而时间就是金钱. 想想看:大多数大学奖学金从1美元不等,000 to $5,000, 如果你花4个小时写一篇文章, 赢得价值2美元的大学奖学金,000, 算下来,你每小时要花500美元. 不错的交易,对吧?

阿伯金融 想要你赢, so we’ve compiled some tips to share that can increase the odds of nailing your essay and winning those scholarships!

1.  校对. 校对ing is essential to creating a powerful and winning essay. 当校对, 你不仅要检查语法是否正确, 标点符号, 和拼写, 同时也要确保完整性, 精度, 内容流. It’s always advisable to ask an adult or friend to read your final essay, 检查正确性, 并提供反馈来帮助你改进文章.

2.  要针对个人,要诚实.  Some of the best essays are written from the heart while sharing a compelling story about the writer’s life or experience. By making the essay personal, you also make it important and memorable. Remember to not write about what you think you should write about, but rather what interests you. The reader will sense when you are being honest and will connect with you on a more personal and genuine level when you share honest stories.

3.  赶在最后期限之前完成任务. 这句话你可能已经听过一千遍了. It’s tempting to wait until the last minute to write and submit an essay. 而是等到最后一刻, 你尽量减少彻底校对的时间, 请别人帮忙校对, 接收反馈, 并将反馈融入到你的文章中. Procrastinating may leave you in the position of rushing through it, 让自己犯一些愚蠢的错误,这会让你付出代价, or simple formatting errors that could get you disqualified. Set yourself up for success and give yourself the time you need to write a winning essay--beat those deadlines!

4.  抓住读者的注意力. Open your essay with a strong attention-getting sentence and set the scene.  This is your opportunity to capture the attention of the reader. Some ways to grab attention could include asking a question, use of emotion, making a bold statement. It’s important to hook the reader, so they stay engaged throughout your essay.

5.  重新定义你的文章.  Don’t feel like you have to write a new essay for every scholarship, 但也不要重复使用同一篇文章. Instead, repurpose the essay and edit it to fit several scholarship topics. 这将节省很多时间.

6.  按照写作指导来做.  每个奖学金都有具体的说明, 如果你正在申请奖学金, 这意味着要真正关注细节. It’s important to follow the instructions exactly as they’re stated, 否则, 就像现实生活一样, 你可能还没开始就被取消资格了. 你太聪明了!

7.  不要超过字数. Too much money is at stake to be potentially disqualified because of word count. You may need to elaborate more on certain points or on the flipside you may need to be more concise with your writing. 无论哪种方式, check the final word count and make sure you are within the range before you send your essay.

8.  专注于主题.  为了帮助你保持主题,试着写一个主题陈述. A good thesis should be concise and offer the main point of the essay. 这将是与读者交流的中心思想. 问问你自己,我这篇文章的重点是什么? 用一句话回答这个问题,这就可以成为你的论文.

奖学金很多,在这里 阿伯金融, we will be awarding twelve $2,000 scholarships to high school seniors in the state of Michigan. 我们坚信高等教育的价值, and proudly enhance opportunities and advancement through our 社区奖学金计划. 你也可以找到并充分利用许多 其他奖学金 就在卡拉马祖县.
