When you purchase a vehicle, you want to find a great car at a reasonable price, but you also want to secure a low auto loan interest rate. 

你的利率可以显著影响你在贷款期间支付的金额. 这就是为什么确切了解汽车贷款利率是很重要的, how it's determined, and how it affects your car loan amount. 

What Is A Car Loan Interest Rate?

你的利率是你每年向你的贷款人借钱所支付的金额. 你的年利率(APR)是你每年支付的金额,包括利息和费用. 你通常会看到汽车贷款利率被称为APR,它包括所有费用. The higher your APR, the more money you'll pay to the lender. Below are some important facts to know about auto loan interest rates. 

Average Interest Rate

Your rate can vary based on a variety of factors, including your credit score, the term of the loan, the age of the vehicle, and more. The national average for a used auto loan interest rate is 5.23% for a 750+ credit score. However, you can find an APR ranging from 0% to 25% or higher.   

Car Loans Vary

Car loan interest rates can vary from day to day, 所以在你去购物之前检查一下利率是一个很好的做法. 在比较年利率时,确保你是在比较年利率而不是年利率. Remember, APR includes fees, while interest alone doesn't.

Loan Amortization

汽车贷款是分期偿还的,这意味着利息是在贷款开始时预先支付的. With amortization, part of the monthly payment goes toward the principal, and the remainder is applied to the interest owed. At the beginning of your loan, more of your payment will be applied to your interest, while as time goes on, more of the payment will go toward the principal. 

Simple Interest vs. Precomputed Interest


单利是指当你的汽车贷款到期时,利息是基于你欠了多少钱. 你支付的超过到期金额的任何金额都将计入本金余额. 

5 Factors Impacting Auto Loan Interest Rates 

Various factors impact your car loan interest rate. Here are five of them. 

1. Type of Car

你会发现,一般来说,二手车的利率比新车高. 二手车的利率往往更高,因为贷款机构为可能不太可靠的车辆提供贷款,承担了更大的风险. 一些贷款机构甚至对贷款车辆的使用年限有限制. 

Used cars can also have a lower resale value. The lender considers this because if you default on the loan, they might need to sell your car, and they want to recoup as much as they can. 

2. Auto Loan By Lender


一般来说,你将有资格在信用合作社获得较低的利率. 信用合作社还提供更灵活的还款时间表,贷款的最低限额也更低, so you can finance a less expensive vehicle.


Dealerships are another popular option for auto loan financing. 如果你有良好的信用,他们通常会为新车提供特殊的融资选择. 

3. Credit Score


The higher your credit score, 你得到的利率越低,因为你的历史给了出借人信心,你会履行你的协议. The opposite is also true. 

4. Term Length


Term lengths tend to range from 24 to 72 months, and the shorter your term, the lower your interest rate will be on average. This is because the longer you have a car loan, 由于金融环境的变化,你拖欠贷款的可能性就越大. 当出借人收取更多的利息时,他们可以提前收回更多的钱. 

How Does Your Interest Rate Affect Your Car Loan?



Interest Rate: 4.69%

Monthly Payment: $502.79

Total Amount Financed: $36,200.70

Total Interest: $4,700.70


Interest Rate: 10.91%

Monthly Payment: $598.12

Total Amount Financed: $43,064.89

Total Interest: $11,564.89


Interest Rate: 19.62%

Monthly Payment: $747.59

Total Amount Financed: $53,826.74

Total Interest: $22,326.74

正如你所看到的,你得到的利率可以决定你是否支付了4700美元.70 in interest payments and $22,326.74 in interest payments. That's the impact it can have, and why knowing your interest rate, what determines it, and how it can influence your auto loan is vital. 

Be Knowledgeable About Car Loan Interest Rates

Now that you know more about auto loan interest rates, 我们希望这些信息使您在购买下一辆车时更容易. The more knowledgeable you are, the better, so you can secure the best financing terms for your purchase. 

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