买车总是令人兴奋的,无论是你的第一辆车还是升级车. The question you're probably asking is if you should lease or buy. Both methods of financing have their advantages and disadvantages.

Leasing a car means you'll have one low monthly payment indefinitely. 买一辆车意味着你需要预付所有的现金,或者你需要申请汽车贷款. With a loan, you may pay more per month but then nothing at all. Read on to find out what's best for you.

Pros and Cons of Leasing a Car

目前, about a quarter of new cars sold in the U.S. 是租来的. It's a popular choice among consumers for a number of reasons.



  • 你不必担心随着时间的推移会贬值或失去价值. Just swap your older leased car for a newer one!

  • Monthly payments are usually lower for leasing than for an auto loan.

  • 你也许能租到一辆比你买得起的更好、更新的车.

  • 维修费用可能会很低,因为大多数租来的车都是新的.


  • When your lease expires, you won't own the car. You'll need to extend your lease or take out a new lease.

  • The interest you pay isn't declared. 这就是所谓的“金钱因素”,你需要阅读细则,看看你要花多少钱.

  • Choices will be limited to what vehicles are available. 例如, some dealers may not offer used cars to lease.

  • 你可能有年行驶里程限制,如果超过就要额外收费.

  • 如果你的车有比平时更严重的磨损,你可能需要在还车的时候支付额外的费用.

Pros and Cons of 买车

周围 85% of new cars are bought with financing compared to outright with cash. 不管怎样,知道这辆车是你的是令人满意的,但也值得考虑一些陷阱.


  • 如果你直接用现金购买汽车,那么购买是完整的,你将没有每月付款.

  • If you buy the car with an auto loan, 你最终会还清贷款,然后你就不用每月还钱了.

  • You have the choice to buy any car on the market within your budget.

  • 到了升级的时候,你就可以出售或以旧换新了.

  • 这辆车可以作为担保汽车贷款的抵押品,所以你可能很容易获得资格.


  • 汽车的价值 第一年折旧20%,之后每年10%.

  • 汽车贷款支付可能比租赁要高,因为你要偿还汽车的总价值, plus interest and any fees.

  • 如果你不能偿还汽车贷款,贷款人有权没收你的车.

  • 你需要支付所有的维护费用,随着你的车越来越老,这些费用可能会增加.

How Leasing a Car Works

Leasing a car involves a few terms and tricks you'll need to know. 下面是详细分析:

  • 前期费用:根据经销商的不同,你可能什么都不用付,最高可达数千美元.

  • Maintenance: Costs are usually low because most leased cars are new. You'll need to cover things like routine oil changes.

  • 费用:平均租金为460美元,但取决于汽车.

  • 利息:被称为金钱因素,它以十进制形式出现,由你的信用评分决定. Multiply the decimal by 2,400 to get your interest rate.

  • 提前终止租赁:提前终止租赁可能会收取费用, so be sure to read the fine print before you sign. 它可能是一次性费用加上你剩余付款的一定比例.

  • 额外里程:租赁费用将根据您同意每年使用多少里程而有所不同. If you go over, you may need to pay 10¢ to 25¢ for every mile over.

  • 还车费:这是你在还车进行清洁和修理时一次性支付的费用. 可能是350美元.

  • Length of Lease: This will vary depending on your contract. 例如, it could be three years, then you would extend the lease, 买租来的车, 或者再买一辆车.


Buying a car is relatively straightforward compared to leasing. Keep in mind the following:

  • 前期成本:你需要提前支付全部购买价格,或者支付汽车贷款的首付款, which may be around 20% of the price. There may also be one-off loan fees.

  • Maintenance: Costs will vary depending on the car you buy. As a rule, the older the car, the more repairs it may need each year. Have your car regularly serviced to avoid breakdowns.

  • 还款:你的汽车贷款还款将取决于你的贷款期限或长短. If you want a lower monthly payment, choose a longer term. The average loan payment for a new car is $554, and $391 for used.

  • Interest: The rate you get depends on your credit score. The better your credit score, the lower your rate.

How to Decide if You Should Lease or Buy a Car



  • Want to eventually own the car outright with no monthly payment.

  • Have the full purchase price or down payment saved up.

  • Are willing to get a car model and year that fits your budget.


  • 对拥有一辆车不感兴趣,并且满足于连续的月供.

  • Do not have a downpayment at hand and want a lower monthly payment.

  • Want a car that is nicer and newer than you can afford to buy.

The Bottom Line on Leasing vs. 买车

这取决于你选择适合你的需要,想要和预算的汽车融资方法. Paying cash, leasing, and getting an auto loan are all great choices.



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