总有一天会发生的. Maybe a check didn’t clear when you expected it, or you accidentally spent too much on vacation. 透支发生, but there are a few things you can do to help ensure you stay on top of your finances and avoid as many overdraft charges as possible.

1. 直接存款 

Setting up your paycheck to deposit into your account can save you time and help you know when your funds will be deposited. 需要在你的账户上存钱可能会导致延迟, 但是通过直接存款, 你会立刻收到你的薪水. +, with direct deposit at Arbor, you can receive your paycheck up to 5 days early with Early Pay*.

2. 准备一笔应急基金

Emergencies happen, and it’s important to be as prepared as possible. 拥有应急基金, you can transfer money from when your kids get sick or your phone breaks can help you avoid needing to overdraft or use credit to cover the expense.

3. 跟踪你的账户余额

Make sure you know your account balance at all times and keep track of your transactions. 你可以在网上查询你的余额, 通过我们的移动应用, 或致电我们的会员服务团队(269)375-6702.

4. 申请透支保护保险

At Arbor Financial, we offer many different overdraft protection options. Adding one of these services can help reduce overdraft charges.

  • 连结至储蓄帐户: Money is transferred from your savings account to match the amount of your checking overdraft. 每次透支收费5美元. 交易没有限制.

  • 灵活信贷额度转让: Money is transferred from your line of credit to match your overdraft amount. There is a $5 charge for each transaction, plus interest charges on your credit line.

  • 礼貌的报道: 符合条件的会员可以获得保险. This limited service includes checks and automated electronic bill payments but not ATM and everyday debit card transactions. 每次使用这项服务都要收费+.

  • 附加保险: 符合条件的会员可以享受保险. 这个全面的版本涵盖了检查, 自动账单支付, 日常借记卡使用和自动取款机交易. 每次使用这项服务都要收费+.

    If you would like help setting up an overdraft protection option, 网赌最好最大平台! 

5. 设置帐户提醒

为低余额、存款和交易设置警报. This will help you stay informed about your account activity and avoid overdrafts. 点击这里了解更多关于警报的信息.

6. 制定预算

Creating a budget can help you manage your money more effectively and avoid overspending. We recommend creating a budget that gives a job to each dollar of your income; so, 你很清楚你的钱都花在哪里了. 如需帮助制定预算,请访问我们的合作伙伴Green Path.

7. 使用账单自动支付

Set up automatic payments for bills and recurring expenses to avoid forgetting to make a payment. +, 当你设置账单支付时, 你将设定一个付款日期, so you know when to expect the funds to be pulled from your account. 点击这里了解如何设置BillPay.




* Direct deposits and other 汽车mated Clearing House (ACH) credits may post to your account up to five days early with the Early Pay service. The Early Pay service is dependent upon when the deposits are originated from the sender and received by the Credit Union, and we cannot guarantee deposits will post prior to their anticipated settlement date. 信用合作社 is not responsible for delays in posting due to unforeseen circumstances. 信用合作社, 自行决定, 是否可以确定一定的定金付款, 矿床类型, 或者会员账户被排除在服务之外. The terms and conditions for Early Pay are subject to change, at any time, without advance notice. 不适用于商业、贷款或抵押账户.


+ For full details please see the 会员 and Account Agreement. 有关具体收费信息,请参阅收费表.

