If mortgage rates nearing historic lows have you thinking about refinancing your home, 你并不孤单. 就在2020年的前九个月, 超过600万房主进行了再融资, 据NerdWallet报道 1. By saving homeowners thousands of dollars or allowing them to tap into equity, it is to no surprise that we are experiencing such an influx of refinances. 在你采取行动之前, 心中有一个目标是很重要的, 比较一下你们目前的条件和今天的汇率, 并权衡成本和收益. 
坚果 & 螺栓 
A mortgage refinance is the process of replacing your existing loan with different rates or terms and sometimes even with a different lender 2. 抵押贷款再融资的第一步是与客户交谈 抵押贷款专家, who can help you decide if refinancing is right for you and your financial situation. The specialist will review your current terms and rates to help you lock in the best rate for your financial background and goals.
Comparing your existing rate with current rates will help you decide if it is time to refinance your mortgage. If you are a current homeowner, then refinancing will feel like deja-vu. 申请再融资时, 您将需要符合您特定类型的抵押贷款的资格, 确保利率, 并支付成交费用, 必要时. Be sure to take the following into consideration before applying to refinance your mortgage: 

  • 确定你的财务目标. 我们的 友好的抵押贷款专家 can help you understand your options and give you the knowledge to make a confident decision. 
  • Shopping around for the mortgage product that best suits your financial situation. Arbor Financial提供 各种产品和条款,包括7年、10年、12年和15年的期限,以及更多*.
  • 向抵押贷款专家咨询最佳利率. 请致电269.544.3105 or 安排约会
  • 确保你的利率. 
  • 商定贷款条款并最终确定贷款. 

所以,当 & 为什么? 
在考虑是否为你的抵押贷款再融资时, one of the most important steps is determining your purpose for refinancing. There are several different reasons to refinance your mortgage, some including 4

  1. 减少月供. This can happen when you refinance to a lower interest rate or extend your loan term. 
  2. 缩短贷款期限. When you refinance to a shorter term, you can pay off the loan in less time. 例如, refinancing from a 30-year mortgage to a 15-year mortgage will allow you to pay off the loan in half the time, 还减少了所欠的利息. 
  3. 利用房屋净值. This route comes with options that are a great way to access money for home improvements, 帮助支付大学学费, 支付不可预见的费用, and give you and your family peace of mind knowing that you have a rainy-day fund for those stormy situations.: 
    • Cash-out refinancing: Some choose to refinance to borrow more than they owe on the current mortgage, 这样贷方就会给借方一张支票来弥补差额. 
    • 首页 Equity 信贷额度 (HELOC): 首页owners who have equity in their home can use it as revolving credit and borrow against it when they use a HELOC. This can come in handy when you need access to funds at a favorable interest rate.
  4. 从可调利率贷款转为固定利率贷款. 因为浮动利率抵押贷款的利率是浮动的, 从长远来看,你可能会欠下比预期更多的钱. Fixed-rate loans have interest rates that remain constant, providing financial stability. Arbor金融公司有一个新的, 15年固定特惠 利率极低*.


决定何时为你的抵押贷款再融资似乎很困难, 但当你考虑到正确的细节时,它不一定是. 一些因素包括 3

  • 现行利率. 
  • 你的信用评分状况. 
  • 你的目标. 
  • 你房子的价值. 
  • 当前的经济气候.


Depending on whether these factors are more favorable in the present versus when you originally purchased your home will help you decide whether refinancing is the right move to make. 

Once you have decided if refinancing is right for you, it is time to look at the numbers. 我们的 再融资的计算器 can help in removing some of the guesswork and determining how much refinancing could save you. 这个易于使用的计算器可以给你一个抵押贷款利率的估计, 按月支付, 并显示贷款期间调整后的总利息. 
Your needs for refinancing your mortgage will vary, but an experienced and friendly 抵押贷款专家 from Arbor Financial can help guide you in getting the most out of your refinanced home loan. 请致电269.544.3105, 在线申请, or 安排约会 今天开始,或访问 anyhourair.com/quickquote 获得免费,即时个性化的抵押贷款报价. 

*年费率(APR). 特别2.137%的年利率是截至2021年2月2日的最低利率. 利率基于15万美元的贷款,没有PMI. 付款例子:15年优惠期是每月180元964元.57. 不包括税或保险,你的付款会更高吗. Rate listed is for a refinanced mortgage on owner-occupied single-family primary detached residence. 利率可能因信用记录和承保因素而异. Programs, rates, terms and conditions are subject to change without notice. 可能会有其他限制.
1. 刘易斯,H. (2021年1月. 26). 按揭利率预测. Nerdwallet. http://www.nerdwallet.com/article/抵押贷款/mortgage-interest-rates-forecast 
2. 沃伦,K. (2020年10月13日). 什么是按揭再融资? 简单的美元. http://www.thesimpledollar.com/mortgage/what-is-mortgage-refinance/ 
3. 李,我. (2020年10月7日). 何时为你的抵押贷款再融资. 简单的美元. http://www.thesimpledollar.com/mortgage/when-to-refinance-your-mortgage/ 
4. Bundrick H. M.刘易斯,H. (2020年12月18日). 如何以及为什么要为你的抵押贷款再融资. Nerdwallet. http://www.nerdwallet.com/article/抵押贷款/how-to-refinance-your-mortgage


